How to Get Funding From CAF for Your Adaptive Sports Equipment

Handbikes funded by CAF Grants (Photo credit: CAF).

Handbikes funded by CAF Grants (Photo credit: CAF).


Ever wondered how to get a positive response on your CAF Grant Application for your adaptive sports equipment purchase? We’ve had a chat with Nico Marcolongo, Senior Manager in Challenged Athletes Foundation (CAF) to get his and CAF’s recommendations.

CAF supports individuals worldwide with permanent physical disabilities with grants for sports equipment, competition and training for the sport or recreational activity of their own choosing. This means that you can apply for funding for purchasing a handbike, wheelchair basketball chair or a Spike e.g. Grants are offered annually on this page.

We in Exero are amazed by the work CAF is doing. In order to help others create their best CAF Grant Application, we reached out to CAF to get some advice.

We touched base with Nico Marcolongo in CAF and asked what he recommends you to focus on in your application for a grant from CAF. Along with the information on CAF’s website and Nico’s advice we’ve made this 7-steps-guide to help you get funding from CAF for your adaptive sports equipment. 

7 steps to get funding from CAF for your adaptive sports equipment

Step 1) Start the process early

First of all, start early. In this way, you’ll have the time to collect all the necessary details and attachments.

Find out what adaptive sports equipment you want, or reach out to the dealer of the product to have a demo. We in Exero offer free online video demos of Spike if you would like to find out whether Spike can be a good fit for you.

Do the research, talk to teammates, a coach or medical professional and get advice from others. Make sure that you include enough details so that the application is not missing any crucial information.

Step 2) Create a profile on CAF’s website

You need to create an account and profile on CAF’s website. This is where you’ll upload your application and attachments.

Step 3) Your Grant Request

Grants are need based. People include medical proof of disability with their grant to ensure eligibility. Make sure to state in the application in what way and why the grant will help you reach your goals.

If you're applying for a grant for a new adaptive sports equipment like Spike, you should include a description of the equipment. If Spike is a good fit for you, we’re more than happy to help out with any questions you may have about the product.

Have you never applied for a CAF Grant before? No worries. First-time applicants are in particular encouraged to apply.

Spike by Exero - a new adaptive sports equipment for various terrain. Your next adaptive sports gear funded by CAF, perhaps?

Spike by Exero - a new adaptive sports equipment for various terrain. Your next adaptive sports gear funded by CAF, perhaps?

Step 4) Get your medical documentation of Physical Disability

The medical documentation can be any form that states your permanent physical disability and comes from a medical professional or source.

Step 5) Get your financial documents

The financial documents must provide proof of income.

WCMX rider in a sports wheelchair made for skate parks (Photo credit: CAF)

WCMX rider in a sports wheelchair made for skate parks (Photo credit: CAF)

Step 6) Get your Letter of Recommendation

Get a Letter of Recommendation from a family member, friend, coach or teammate. This is backing up your Grant Request and is adding more credibility to your application.

Step 7) Photos

Find (or take) two high-quality photos of yourself to include in your application.

That’s it. Hope these steps can helpful in your search for a positive response on your CAF Grant Application. 

There are several foundations who supports adaptive sports equipment purhases. Have a look at our List of Adaptive Sports Equipment Grant & Funds to find other alternatives.

Interested in learning more about Spike to find out whether you want to apply for a CAF grant for Spike? Book a free online demo through the button below.